Waste Management

We provide environmental consultancy services to the waste and recycling sector, providing advice to a range of clients including waste producers, the waste management industry, its regulators and investors.

The waste management philosophy developed by our team follows an established waste hierarchy of waste prevention, minimisation, reuse, recycling, energy recovery and final disposal.

Our team has experience of providing practical advice on all waste types, including municipal, household, commercial, industrial, hazardous, agricultural, and, mining waste.


Design, Build & Contract Management

As infrastructure is developed careful design, construction and contract management support is required to ensure efficient and effective project realisation across the four key stages of project delivery:

  • Pre-construction
  • Construction & Commissioning
  • Operations
  • Decommissioning and closure

Our team provides technology support across the full waste management resource supply chain including the following:

  • Landfill and transfer – including inert, hazardous, industrial and non-hazardous landfills, as well as leachate treatment facilities and waste transfer stations.
  • Waste recovery – including all forms of residual waste treatment such as energy from waste (EfW) technologies, Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) and other fuel preparation facilities (SRF/RDF),  Advanced Thermal treatment (ATT) and autoclave.
  • Recycling and reprocessing  technologies – such as clean or dirty materials recycling facilities (MRF’s).
  • Organics treatment – either aerobically (composting) or anaerobically (Anaerobic Digestion producing biogas).
  • Waste collection systems – including bins, boxes, vehicles as well as automated underground collection, diversion and storage systems.

​How we can help?

  • Design advice – our specialist design advice across a range of disciplines including; architectural design, civil, process, infrastructure, landfill and geotechnical engineering.
  • Integrating advice  – our team have extensive experience of working in the waste management sector providing them with a thorough understanding of the inter-related technical, environmental, operational and financial issues involved in the design and construction of modern waste management facilities.
  • Contract Management – Through the management of numerous construction projects, in addition to their technical engineering skills, our experts are able to advise our client on a wide range of issues relating to the commercial aspects of developing waste management facilities for both due diligence and financial modeling.
  • Construction management – our construction engineers have acted in numerous roles for our clients during the procurement and construction phase of numerous project, such as; technical expert for the assessment of design and build tenders involving process engineering, acting as “the Engineer” under various forms of construction contract.

Our Main Offering:

  • Design – we have the capability to undertake all aspects of the waste management infrastructure delivery, from conceptual design through to detailed design for construction.
  • Construction Management – our engineers are experienced in supervising and managing contracts under various internationally recognised forms of contract. We are also able to provide third party construction quality assurance.
  • Commissioning – Upon completion of construction we are able to oversee the commissioning of treatment facilities to ensure that the end product meets specification and therefore the client’s needs.
  • Training – we are also able to offer training to our clients’ staff, to ensure that the facility is to be operated within regulatory requirements whilst achieving the optimum through put.


Waste & Wastewater Management

Waste strategy and plan development is critical in providing a framework and business plan for improved waste resource management and is relevant for all organisations and jurisdictions.

Greenwich provides technology support across the full waste management resource supply chain with a strong team of highly qualified and experienced team of engineers representing the chemical, process, materials, mechanical and electrical engineering professions whom combine to deliver the design.

How We Can help

  • Our experience in this field allows us to advise our client on the appropriate type of waste treatment and suitability of a specific technologies.
  • We are able to undertake a wide range of tasks from initial technical audit and technology review, through feasibility study and front-end-engineering-design, detailed design and construction management to commissioning, performance verification, operation and maintenance and trouble-shooting.
  • The team can also offer the full range of skills required on engineering projects including project and contract management from inception, through procurement to handover and final certificate.
  • We have particular experience in the delivery of renewable energy and waste processing related projects.
  • Our team also provides full “technical advisor” services, procurement support and all elements of engineering management for minor and major projects.
  • Strategic environmental and technical reviews for all waste management options.
  • Technical and Economic Feasibility.
  • Front End Engineering Design Studies and Concept Designs.
  • Design Development and Preparation of Technical Specifications.
  • Preparation of Tender Packages and Management of Procurement Process.
  • Plant Operation and Maintenance.
  • Trouble Shooting operational Plant.

Our Main Offering:

  • Strategic environmental and technical reviews for all waste management options.
  • Technical and Economic Feasibility.
  • Front End Engineering Design Studies and Concept Designs.
  • Design Development and Preparation of Technical Specifications.
  • Preparation of Tender Packages and Management of Procurement Process.
  • Plant Operation and Maintenance.
  • Trouble Shooting operational Plant.


Waste Strategy, Procurement & Design

Waste strategy and plan development is critical in providing a framework and business plan for improved waste resource management, and is relevant for all organisations and jurisdictions.

Our advice follows the global principle of the waste hierarchy of waste prevention, minimisation, reuse, recycling, energy recovery and final disposal. Our public sector clients include national, regional and local governments, as well as policy & regulatory bodies. Our private sector clients include waste management companies, technology providers, investors and construction companies.

How we can help?

Our team provides advice that covers part or all of the waste and resource management supply chain. Our global team can assist on the following:

  • Strategy advice: Waste management strategy, plan and master-planning advice.
  • Strategic business planning: Market intelligence, industry market analysis, due diligence, strategic business reviews, including financial viability studies.
  • Policy research, review and development: Including best practice guidance reviews.
  • Strategic portfolio review: Including asset valuations, site searches and site appraisals and optimisation.
  • Life cycle and carbon assessments for corporate and project reporting.

On business planning team can assist on the following:

  • Contract procurement planning and support: Including business plan development, waste flow modelling and options feasibility studies for waste contracts.
  • Operational and service plans: Independent due diligence, operational and service reviews.
  • Waste logistics advice: Including routing organisation, strategy and infrastructure planning.

Our Capabilities

  • Strategic business planning for both private and public sector organisations of all sizes and locations.
  • Policy review, research and development at the local, regional, national and international level.
  • Strategic environmental and technical reviews for all waste management services and operations.
  • Providing deliverable solutions through the provision of industry best practice advice and support.
  • GIS/ Spatial Mapping


Waste Logistics & Routing

Waste management services are often complex, extending to multiple vehicles, collecting many different material types for drop off, at a range of waste management facilities within urban and rural locations.

Efficient routing can not only save money on vehicle fleet and staffing levels, but can also inform the development and configuration of downstream transfer treatment and disposal infrastructure. The overall outcome is greater operational service efficiency.

How we can help?

  • Operational service reviews – We provide advice and support on waste and recycling collections, assessing routing plans, fleet configurations and the nature of any supporting downstream infrastructure.
  • Routing plans – By applying model software to existing and future waste and recycling collections we can produce a set of routing plans developed to optimise service efficiency.
  • Fleet configurations – we can assess and select new fleet configurations by optimising the collection vehicle (recycling, organic or residual) to known routes and existing and/or forecasted material collection services.
  • Downstream infrastructure configuration – through understanding the collection service area and type, our team can advise any downstream infrastructure requirements, such as waste transfer stations, recycling centres and other treatment and disposal infrastructure.

Our Main Offering

The global Greenwich team can provide the following waste logistics and routing offering:

  • Strategic business planning in waste routing and logistics for both private and public sector organisations of all sizes and locations.
  • Efficiency studies for existing, new and forecasted waste collection scheme for householders and industry service users alike.
  • Training and knowledge transfer – Our team routinely provides training and operational support in the application of routing and logistics software.
  • Providing deliverable solutions through the provision of industry best practice advice and support.


Water Management

Water management is a critical component of all oil and gas operations from conventional to unconventional.  Sourcing water and managing produced water are major challenges.

The management of water and related issues is a key component of our business.  We provide support and advice across the whole spectrum of oil and gas clients and service requirements, including:

  • Operational sewage treatment to millions of cubic metres per day,
  • Oil production or shale gas water management systems
  • Permitting and planning advice
  • Detailed design,
  • Plant operation
  • Management and troubleshooting.


Waste Technology Advice

Appropriate technology choice and selection is fundamental to successful infrastructure development and will determine the nature, type, scale and viability of differing waste management treatment and recovery solutions.

Our advice spans the full waste management resource supply chain, including the following:

  • Waste recovery – including all forms of residual waste treatment such as energy from waste (EfW) technologies, Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) and other fuel preparation facilities (SRF/RDF),  Advanced Thermal treatment (ATT) and autoclave.
  • Recycling and reprocessing  technologies – such as clean or dirty materials recycling facilities (MRF’s).
  • Organics treatment – either aerobically (composting) or anaerobically (anaerobic digestion producing biogas).
  • Landfill and transfer – including all landfill classes and types, as well as leachate treatment facilities and waste transfer stations.
  • Waste collection systems – including bins, boxes, vehicles as well as automated underground collection, diversion and storage systems.

How we can help?

  • Management advice – providing full advisory services and procurement support for all elements of engineering management, including owners’ engineer, authority engineer and lenders engineer.
  • Project and contract management – offering the full range of engineering skills from inception, through procurement and final certification.
  • Technology selection – determining waste treatment type and suitability.
  • Technical design and audit – undertaking initial technical audit and technology review, feasibility study and front-end-engineering-design (FEED), detailed design and construction management, commissioning, operation and maintenance, and, trouble-shooting.
  • Assessing renewable and carbon credentials – of renewable energy and waste projects, and assessing their applicability for renewable incentives.

Our Main Offering

  • Due diligence – studies to a lender/vendor/purchaser.
  • Technology design – such as FEED and HAZOP/HAZAN studies, concept designs, and, design development.
  • Procurement and tender specification support – including preparing technical specifications, tender packages and overall project management.
  • Process optimisation – including design and process optimisation, operational and maintenance reviews, and, trouble shooting.
  • General training and technical support – including training and instruction for plant operators and managers.


Waste Regulatory Approvals

Most waste management activity requires some form of regulatory approval. Typically this will include one or all of the following:

  • Planning permission
  • Environmental assessment
  • Permit or licence certification

The global Greenwich team has considerable experience of navigating our clients through the different regulatory approvals process often required. Our experience includes the full range of waste management facilities and activities within regulatory regimes across the world.

How we can help?

Our team has supported obtaining of regulatory approvals, including planning, environmental assessments, permits and licences for the following waste and resource management facility types:

  • Landfill and transfer – including inert, hazardous, industrial and non-hazardous landfills, as well as leachate treatment facilities and waste transfer stations.
  • Waste recovery – including all forms of residual waste treatment such as energy from waste (EfW) technologies, Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) and other fuel preparation facilities (SRF/RDF), Advanced Thermal treatment (ATT) and autoclave.
  • Recycling and reprocessing technologies – such as clean or dirty materials recycling facilities (MRF’s).
  • Organics treatment – either aerobically (composting) or anaerobically (anaerobic digestion).
  • Depots and Fleet – for a broad range of environmental services.

For all of the activities above, we can provide on-going support, documentation and approvals during facility construction, operations, monitoring, decommissioning and closure. 

Our Main Offering

  • Global support – Our global team can support on new applications, extensions to existing schemes, statutory stakeholder engagement, liaison and dialogue with regulatory bodies.
  • Regulatory approvals – production and support of all relevant documentation required for all waste management methods and activities.
  • Planning – Our dedicated team of qualified and experienced planners has successfully delivered approvals for all waste management facilities and activities.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) – providing all necessary supporting documents and assessments.
  • Permit and licence approvals – including clarification of the need for standard or bespoke documentation
  • GIS/Spatial Mapping
